January 11th, 2022


“Q Coffee Emporium & Bakery abandons Nashville Road location.”

Since our opening in August 2019, Q has been confronted with facility issues that have required diligent mitigation by the staff to maintain operations. While we’ve been largely successful in that pursuit there is the reality of liability attached to the major concerns that we cannot continue to risk.

  • We have battled an inadequate HVAC system making it impossible, because of unstable humidity and temperature, for the Artisan Bakery to maintain quality standards and, during the hi-heat/cooling seasons, creating extreme discomfort for the customers and dangerous conditions for the employees.

  • Add to that, recurrent water leaks from the front wall structures and the roof present a severe threat to the safety of customers and employees.

  • Finally, other serious but less impactful issues with the building.

Q spent the majority of 2021 seeking resolutions to these issues with the landlord and in accord with our lease, but have been met with obstacles and refusals at every turn. We believe we’ve exhausted every available avenue and while there is still pending litigation, we are left with this most difficult of decisions: This Wednesday, January 12th at 7:00 pm, Q will be closing our Nashville Road location and abandoning the building.

Q extends its gratitude to the Qmmunity that welcomed us, got to know us, and became family with us. Please know this is not “Goodbye”, this is “See you soon!” We are currently and aggressively pursuing a new location in the same Nashville Road area that will allow us to continue to serve you into the future.

In the meantime, there’s room for you at our new location at 5851 Scottsville Road, Q at the Point at Peachtree.